“Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.”
- Jana Kingsford
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How do you know how to find the right balance between YOU and everyone else?
Between stuff you WANT to do and stuff that NEEDs doing?
Between work, and home?
Family and friends?
Partner and kids?
Between the endless list of shoulds and the fun you'd actually like to be having?
How do you maintain the good habits and routines you've got into when some new kind of shit hits the fan?
How do you keep up with the workouts you've started to fit in when suddenly somebody gets ill?
How do you look after your own mental health when one of your kids is suffering with theirs?
How do you get all the housework done now that your own parents need you more than they did last week?
How do you find the time to cook from scratch when you're knackered from that new job you've just started?
How often do you find yourself feeling like you're slipping out of balance?
And what the fuck do you do about it...how do you REGAIN that sense of balance?
Sometimes motherhood (adulthood on steroids) can feel a bit like walking a delicate tightrope. One false move, one slight wobble, one wrong foot and that's it. We're falling. Free falling into chaos and the more we try to grab onto something as we fall, the more we struggle, the faster and the harder we feel as if we're falling.
Constantly juggling, balancing all the things to stay upright.
But something always gives...right?
So then what do we do?
Join me for a month of walking The Tightrope as we explore all of this and more.
Inside the Tightrope I teach and share my perspective, experience, musings and reflections on 'balance'...what it is, how we get it, how we lose it, how we get it back and how we hold on to it. What affects it. What we can do about it.
As I navigated an intensely turbulent & emotional period of my own personal life (my mother's passing) the idea of balance kept coming up for me over and over again, on so many levels and to depths I've never experienced or felt before.
New insights, new experiences, new wisdom came through for me every single day. And I shared them all with inside The Tightrope as well as prompts, exercises and behind the scenes musings as I journeyed.
It's safe to say everybody who has already walked the Tightrope with me has had their minds well and truly blown by this stuff.
Come walk with me.
⚖️ 🙏🏻💛