I'm just going to get straight to it and say there's a lot of guff spoken about self love and self care these days...
...Especially as a tool us mums are supposed to look after our own mental and emotional wellbeing.
It's so easy for other people and social media to go around suggesting we just 'go have some me time' or 'have a nice bath', but really these empty platitudes do nothing to suddenly undo the thousands of years of conditioning, programming, oppression and suppression of the feminine. Nor do they get the laundry done.
And if you're pissed off and are told to go have a nice bath to look after yourself, chances are you're just going to end up pissed off...in the bath.
And please, NEVER do self care 'SO THAT' you are better equipped to look after everyone else. This message is SO toxic.
You deserve love and care from yourself (and everyone else) simply because you exist. Having more resources to give to others is a beautiful by product, but NOT the main reason for looking after yourself.
If you find yourself getting frustrated, resentful or snappy with the people you look after, it may be your inner child or some tender inner part of you crying out for some love and attention of it's own.
And if you've no clue how to do that, or how to squeeze it in to your other-people-focused chaotic life, or need a bit of a shake up, read on.
Self love and self care IS important.. But as with all things, I want you to find YOUR way of doing it, not just follow the prescribed ideas you might find on the internet or in those magazines. That's just another way we've been giving our power away AND then wondering why we don't feel a whole load better afterwards. We've become so disconnected from ourselves most of us don't even know what we want or what would make us feel better, and that needs to change.
This workbook takes you through a series of guided journaling exercises to help you build your OWN totally bespoke self love and self care plan so you can switch the meh for pure magic.
You'll discover what love and care means to you, what it feels like, what the absence of it looks and feels like AND the ingredients YOU need to fill your cups all the way back up.
By the end of the workbook you'll have built your very own unique care plan that puts YOU and YOUR wellbeing well and truly front and centre. Perfect!
And it's just £9!